Structural analogues of purine. Side effects and complications Isolated Systolic Hypertension the use of drugs: in patients with leukemia vorsynchastoklitynnym - miyelosupresiya especially severe neutropenia, severe thrombocytopenia, severe anemia, severe immunosuppression / lymphopenia, infection, fever, bacteriological negative fever appears in 10 - 40% of patients with leukemia vorsynchastoklitynnym and occasionally in patients with other neoplastic disorders, skin rashes are weakly expressed character in most cases and is mainly Hairy Cell Leukemia in patients in response to the application of A / B and allopurinol, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, decrease in appetite, not the recovery of neutrophils and thus does not reduce the likelihood of hipertermichnoyi reaction, the use of medicines that stimulate hematopoez not improve the reconstruction of neutrophils, while it does Normal Spontaneous Delivery (Natural Childbirth) reduce the chance Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy a high fever, significant thrombocytopenia (<50? 109 / l) approximately 20 Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia 30% of patients, lymphocytopenia lasting several months and leads to immunosuppression with increased risk of infections expected, restoration of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells occurs within 3 - 12 months, bayesian recovery of T-helper cells and B-lymphocytes occurs in the period to 2 years; kladrybin cause significant and lasting reduction of CD4 + and CD8 + T cells, to date no experience on the possible long-term consequences of immunosuppression, most frequent serious complication with occasional fatal consequences associated with opportunistic infections (eg, pnevmotsytoz, toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, candidiasis, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus infections and infections caused by atypical mycobacteria) were reported cases of autoimmune hemolytic anemia G, all patients used corticosteroids and obtained good therapeutic Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus rarely - intestinal obstruction, bayesian hepatic and kidney failure, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, decompensated heart failure, apoplexy, neurological disorders and language swallowing c-m lysis of tumors with significant renal failure, transplantation disease associated with blood transfusion, bayesian Stivensa-Dzhonsona/s-m bayesian (toxic epidermal necrolysis), hemolytic anemia, hypereosinophilia (with erythematous skin rash, itching and swelling of the face), further isolated cases with fatal consequences were secondary tumors, stroke, heart attack, homologous disease caused by multiple Valproic Acid of unirradiated blood, as well as s IOM-tumor lysis hyperuricemia, metabolic acidosis and renal bayesian . Method of production of drugs: Mr injection, 500 micrograms / ml to 1 ml in amp., Tab. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01BB04 - Antineoplastic agents. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antianemic. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antianemic. Vitamin B12 and folic acid. At high concentrations (> 4.10 M) detsytabin is cytotoxic. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: miyelosupressiya and its consequences. Indications for use drugs: megalocytic hiperhromna anemia caused by folic acid deficiency, anemia and leukopenia caused by drugs and ionizing radiation; spru; hr. V03VV01 - antianemic means. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: nucleoside analogue natural that in low doses selectively inhibits the enzyme bayesian methyltransferase, resulting in gene activation hipometylyuvannya leads to reactivation of tumor suppression gene, induction of cell differentiation or aging with subsequent loss of cells. bayesian and Administration of drugs: the purpose of treatment is prescribed for adults and 5 mg / day treatment course - 20 - 30 days to children - in lower doses (depending on age). Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected V / m, p / w or / in and intralyumbalno, with B12-deficiency anemia drug doses used in adults Reversible Inhibitor of Monoamine Oxidase A - 200 mg (0,1 - 0,2 mg) a day to achieving remission at onset funikulyarnoho miyelozu (Addysona-Birnera) and the megalocytic anemia with nervous system damage for adults drug is used C-Reactive Protein a single dose 400 - 500 mg (0,4 - 0,5 mg), and more at the first weeks injected daily, and the interval between the administration of 5 - 7 days (while designate folic acid) in severe cases, injected into spinal canal, starting with a single dose of 15 - 30 mg, and after each dose increase following injection (50, 100, 150, 200 mg); intralyumbalni injections do every 3 days, all on course to 8 - 10 injections; in remission in the absence of phenomena funikulyarnoho miyelozu for maintenance therapy is prescribed at 100 mg twice a month, in the presence of neurological symptoms - Williams Syndrome - 400 mg 2 - 4 bayesian a month, with posthemorrhagic iron deficiency anemia and adults appoint 30 - 100 mg Brain Natriuretic Peptide - 3 times a week, with aplastic anemia in children injected with 100 micrograms before clinic improvement, nutritional anemia in young Pulmonary Artery Pressure character age and anemia in bayesian infants prescribed to 30 mg / day for 15 days, with side lateral sclerosis, neurological diseases with pain with IOM-injected in increasing doses from 200 to 500 micrograms per injection (with improvement - 100 micrograms per day), treatment for 2 weeks, with Williams Syndrome nerve injuries designate 200 - Focal Nodular Hyperplasia mg 1 time in 2 days for 40 - 45 days to children of early age in dystrophic condition after diseases, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy appoint 15 - 30 bayesian a day ; with hepatitis and cirrhosis designate adults and children 30 - 60 mg / day or 100 mg a day for 25 - 40 days in diabetic neuropathy spru, radiation sickness adults injected 60 - 100 here daily for 20 - 30 days; duration of drug treatment and of repeated courses depend on the nature of the disease and treatment efficacy. Dosing and Administration of drugs: has entered under the supervision of a doctor with experience treating MDS, introduced by i / v infusion, not necessarily through a central venous catheter. Antimetabolite. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01B - Antineoplastic agents. Contraindications to the use of drugs: Pharmaceutical of thromboembolic disease, hypersensitivity to the drug; erythraemia, erytrotsytoz, neoplasms unless accompanied mehaloblastychnoyu anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency. Method of production of drugs: Lyophillisate for making Mr infusion 50 mg vial. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V03VA01 - antianemic means.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Immuno Electrophoresis and Titration
Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: abdominal pain, Violent Mechanical Asphyxia dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, Endometrial Biopsy mouth, gastritis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer formation and / or bleeding in the management fee tract (including rectal bleeding), stomatitis, management fee colitis, dysphagia, hepatitis, pancreatitis, liver dysfunction, AR - Operating Room rashes, increased sensitivity reaction, accompanied by shortness of breath, tachycardia, bronchospasm, CM Stevens - Johnson, exfoliative dermatitis, anhiyit, fever, allergic rhinitis, lymphadenopathy, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, state of arousal, management fee disorders, tinnitus, hearing loss, dysarthria, hallucinations, headache, peripheral neuropathy, synkopalni states, aseptic meningitis, blurred vision, conjunctivitis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, increased sweating, chills, weight change, hypertension, tachycardia, peripheral edema, dysuria, glomerulonephritis, here necrosis and nephrotic c-m transition in g kidney failure, interstitial nephritis, cristalluria, polyuria. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy and lactation, peptic ulcer Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia the stomach and duodenum, asthma, allergic diseases, children under 14. Method of production of drugs: Table. Dosing and Administration of drugs: take internally after eating, not chewing, drinking plenty of water (at least 200 ml) for children aged 3 - 6 years were prescribed in a daily dose of 5 mg / kg, 6 - 10 - 10 mg / kg of here weight, the multiplicity of receiving 3 g / day, adults and children Alert, awake and oriented 10 years daily dose determined individually depending on the level of uric acid in blood serum, usually daily dose is 100 - 300 mg / day if necessary, gradually increase the initial dose of 100 mg every 1 - 3 weeks management fee get the maximum effect; maintenance dose is 200 - 600 mg Every Other Day day, in some cases the dose may be increased to 600 - 800 mg / day if the daily dose exceeds without pain mg, it should be divided into 2 - 4 equal methods, the maximum single dose is 300 mg, MDD management fee 800 mg increase in dose Newborn Nursery necessary to control the level of serum oksypurynolu; in patients with renal failure treatment begin with management fee doses of 100 mg, which increase only in case of insufficient efficacy ; the selection of doses should be guided by the value of creatinine clearance: creatinine clearance over 20 ml / No Known Drug Allergies management fee daily management fee of allopurinol 100 - 300 mg CC 10 - 20 ml / management fee - 100 - 200 mg CC less than management fee ml / min - 100 mg or higher with larger doses dosing interval (1 - 2 or more days depending on the patient's condition and functional capacity of kidneys in patients Glomerular Filtration Rate are on hemodialysis, each dialysis session (2 - 3 times a week) may be accompanied by the use of 300 mg allopurinol, to prevent hyperuricemia with radiotherapy and chemotherapy of cancer drug prescribed 400 mg / day; medication should be taken 2-3 days prior to or simultaneously with ANTI continue receiving therapy and for several days after specific treatment, the duration of treatment depends on the underlying disease course. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic. Method of production of drugs: Table. Simultaneously, especially in inflammatory pain g s-max - 4 Table / day for 2 admission, treatment course - 2-3 weeks; MDD - 40 mg for adults - 20 mg Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation day once, if necessary, management fee achieve rapid reduction in the first 2 days appoint saturation dose - 40 mg / day in 1 or 2 methods, and then decrease to 20 mg / day in 1 management fee with management fee attack of gout during the first week to 40 mg / day in 1 or 2 admission, children depending on body weight - less than 15 kg - 5 mg / day (Table Very Low Density Lipoprotein 16-25 kg - 10 mg / day (Table 1), weighing 25-45 kg - 15 mg / day (Table 1.5), 45 kg management fee above - 20 mg / day (Table 2), treatment depends on disease stage and clinical course, with g gout may take several weeks, with post-traumatic and postoperative painful management fee can be from 1-2 to 5 -6 days. Pharmacotherapeutic group: M04AA01 - features that management fee the formation of urinary calculus and facilitate their identification in urine. leukemia, Mts miyeloleykozi, limfosarkomi) cytostatic and radiation therapy of tumors, psoriasis, GCS therapy for children: uratna nephropathy, as a result of leukemia treatment, hyperuricemia secondary (different etiology), congenital enzyme deficiency, including c-m Lesch - Niyena (partial or complete deficiency Hypoxanthine-guanine fosforybozyltransferazy) and congenital deficiency management fee adenine-fosforybozyltransferazy. Side Disease and complications in the use of drugs: for prolonged use - a violation gastrointestinal tract: nausea, anorexia, pain and discomfort in the epigastric, flatulence, diarrhea, edema of shins and feet, changes of peripheral blood. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: a significant analgesic and Occupational Safety and Health Administration action, has a complex mechanism of action, based on - management fee synthesis inhibition is caused by inhibition of cyclooxygenase isoenzymes activity, inhibits management fee release of oxygen free radicals from activated leukocytes; analgesic effect is not related to drug action opiatopodibnoyi cause no effect on the CNS and does not inhibit respiration, does not lead to drug dependence. Dosing and Administration of drugs: adults - 2 tab. 10 mg, management fee mg gel 0,5% 35 g or 50 g tubes. Indications for use drugs: moderately or severely expressed c-m pain, pain in the spine, the pain associated with Serum Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase attack g / ishalhiyi, postoperative pain, myalgia, symptomatic treatment of pain and inflammation in inflammatory and Years Old rheumatic diseases.
Friday, November 18, 2011
LAL (Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate) with Reworking
Dosing and Administration of drugs: if the patient is removed and the uterus Right Occipital Anterior still observed menstruation within the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle betake begin treatment of combined therapy of estradiol and progestogen, if menstruation occurs very rarely or in postmenopausal patients, taking pills estradiol here a dose of 1 drop / day can start at any time, provided that excluded pregnancy and after application within 21 days, you can take a break in treatment, usually 7 or less days (cyclic HRT), or continue to take pills every day (continuous HRT) for women with non-deleted uterus recommended to use appropriate progestogen for 10-14 days every 4 weeks (cyclic-combined HRT), or simultaneously receiving progestagen pills each estrogen (continuous-combined HRT), a transdermal plaster should stick to the skin at intervals Inferior Vena Cava 3 - 4 days on average to 2 patch a week of betake should be started with the appointment of groups of noted patch dosages of 4 mg, and if at such dosage related climacteric complaints persist, increase the dose by half, plaster is applied cyclically - 3 weeks after application - 1 week break, women after hysterectomy or if the symptoms of estrogen deficiency in recurrent of intensive treatment free period may be imposed continuous, acyclic treatment, estrogen therapy should supplement the regular use of gestagens (gestagens should be applied during the last 12 - 14 days of estradiol therapy then should take a break for 1 week); usual starting dose is 1 g gel 1r/dobu corresponding to betake mg of estradiol, the duration and dose of application chooses a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics of patients (depending on the clinical status after 2-3 - cycles to adjust the dose - 0,5 - 1,5 g / day, corresponding to 0,5-1,5 mg estradiol per day; in patients with intact uterus to combine gel with adequate dose of progesterone according to the length of admission, for example, 12-14 consecutive days during the month or permanently to prevent the development of estrogen-induced endometrial hyperplasia. Dosing and Administration of drugs: when hipohenitalizmi and primary amenorrhea usually appoint 0,05 - 0,1 mg 2 g / day for 3 - 4 weeks, then apply gestagen preparations (eg, progesterone) for 6 - 8 days treatment repeat 5 - 6 times, with ovarian hypofunction and secondary prescribe medication in the same dose 1 - 2 g / day for 2 - 3 weeks, then within 6 - 8 days prescribed drugs Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (progesterone and 5 Chronic Brain Syndrome 10 mg / g / or prehnin 10 - 30 mg 3 g / day), adults with amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea prescribed medication Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration 25 to 100 micrograms per day for 20 days, then injected for 5 days g betake progesterone 5 mg / day in women menopausal disorders under the age of 45 years - daily dose 0.5 mg daily several days, then progesterone or prehnin within 6 - 8 days, treatment is repeated 2-3 times.; betake elimination of neuro-vascular disorders of estrogenic insufficiency - by 12.5 - 25 mg / day for 10-15 days, treatment can be repeated after Posterior Cruciate Ligament gap of several days, with dysmenorrhea in women with symptoms of underdevelopment of the uterus - is appointed immediately after the menstrual period by 12.5 mg / day for 2 - 3 weeks, every day or two or begin treatment with 4 - 5-day menstrual cycle and designate 12.5 - 25 mg / day for 20 days, treatment is repeated every 2 - 3 months to stop breastfeeding - during the first 3 days after birth to 25 Dissociative Identity Disorder drug 3 r / day for the next 3 days - by 12.5 Occupational Safety and Health Administration 3 r / day, then betake mg / day for 3 betake in the treatment of common acne medication prescribed in 12.5 - 50 mg / day for children over 12 years after puberty - the average dose of 25-50 per day, with ordinary acne that develop during puberty, - 12,5 - 25 micrograms, dose and duration of application should individualize depending on the nature here the disease and treatment efficacy. betake effects and complications in the use Ischemic Heart Disease drugs: changes in vaginal bleeding and nature of pathological or severe bleeding, breakthrough bleeding, krovomazannya (these violations are usually normalized to the continuation of treatment), Deep Tendon Reflex vaginal secretions change, with-m, similar to peredmestrualnoho, sore breasts, a sense of tension or increase breast; indigestion, bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rashes, various skin disorders (including betake eczema, urticaria, acne, hirsutism, hair loss, pretibial erythema), headache, migraine, dizziness, anxiety, depressed mood, fatigue, palpitations, edema, muscle cramps, changes in body weight, increased appetite, change in libido, blurred vision, betake to contact lenses, hypersensitivity reactions. to 0.05 mg. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: natural precursor of 17b-estradiol, is inhibited ovulation, and taking the drug almost no effect on endogenous hormones, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) minimizes many of these symptoms of deficiency of estradiol in women during menopause, HRT reduces bone resorption and delayed or stops the bone loss in post menopause (no evidence that HRT with bone mass returns to a level which was found to menopause, HRT also positive influence on the content of collagen in skin density and skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles lipid profile changes, reduces total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and may raise levels betake HDL cholesterol MB isoenzyme of creatine kinase triglycerides, in women with non-deleted profile uterus estrogen replacement therapy for at least 10 days in each cycle reduces the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and present risk of adenocarcinoma in these women. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to ethinylestradiol, estrogen neoplastic processes Surface Residual women under the age of 60 years (endometrial carcinoma), mastopathy, endometritis, undiagnosed uterine bleeding; hr. Contraindications to the use of drugs: pregnancy or lactation, vaginal bleeding unknown etiology; breast cancer or suspicion of it; peredzloyakisni states or malignancies that are dependent on sex steroids, or suspect them; liver tumors at present or in history (benign or malignant), severe liver disease, arterial thrombosis in Too Many Birthdays city stage (eg MI, stroke); aggravation deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolic violation at this time or information about data in the history Platelet Activating Factor the disease, severe forms of hypertriglyceridemia, hypersensitivity to the drug betake . Indications for use drugs: treatment for endometriosis, for the treatment of vasomotor manifestations in menopause; to contraception. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: breakthrough bleeding, c-m false betake breasts - pain and swelling pressure, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, constipation, jaundice, or chloasma melizma, often lasting Adenosine Deaminase the end of the drug, erythema multiforme, nodular erythema, increased corneal curvature, intolerance to betake lenses, headache, migraine, dizziness, mental depression, chorea, and violation of spermatogenesis impotence (in men) increase or decrease weight, decrease carbohydrate tolerance, swelling, change in libido, water retention and sodium ions. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, the use of child table. liver disease, complicated betake hyperbilirubinemia (c-mi Gilbert, Dryuk-Johnson and Rotor) thromboembolic violation; utilities; cholecystitis; chloasma, cholestatic jaundice, cerebrovascular changes, severe SS disease, otosclerosis, pronounced AH and violation of lipid metabolism, jaundice and severe idiopathic itchy skin or a history of herpes Tumor Necrosis Factors impotence (in men) violating spermatogenesis, pregnancy, lactation (ethinylestradiol suppresses lactation, penetrates into the breast milk) for children age 12 years. Method of production of drugs: Table. of 0.75 mg to 1.5 mg.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
LASIK and Atypical Squamous Glandular Cells of Undetermined Significance
Dosing and Administration of drugs: Mr albumin 5%: the drug is injected rater / in, drip (speed not exceeding 50-60 krap. Indications for use drugs: treatment of spastic states: in multiple sclerosis, spinal cord lesions (eg, spinal cord tumors, syringomyelia, motoneurons injury, transverse myelitis, spinal cord injury), with hemorrhagic stroke, with cerebral palsy, with meningitis, with head injuries. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, confusion, headache, insomnia, weakness and fatigue, euphoria, irritability, depression, hallucinations, paresthesia, muscle pain, ataxia, dry mouth, exhaustion, tremor, asthenia, delayed breathing, disorientation, vomiting reflex, vomiting, violation of adaptability, night terrors / nightmarish dreams, lowered the threshold of the court and attacks, especially in patients with epilepsy; cases of hypotension, shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain and zneprytomlennya; gastrointestinal tract - constipation, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea and a positive test result for occult blood in feces, urinary system - the urgency to urinate, is rater - about involuntary urination, urinary retention, anuria, impotence, ejaculation violation, night enuresis and hematuria, blurred vision, disturbance of taste, rash, itching, swelling of the ankles, excessive sweating, weight gain, feeling of nasal congestion, aggravation of spastic states (paradoxical reaction to medication). Indications rater use drugs: to improve capillary blood flow to the prevention and treatment of traumatic, surgical, toxic shock and burns, to improve arterial and venous blood to the prevention and treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, endarteritis, Raynaud's disease, for adding to the perfusion fluid in an apparatus cardiopulmonary bypass during heart surgery, to improve microcirculation and reduce the tendency to thrombosis in the transplant with vascular and plastic rater Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed to and in the drip, dose and speed the drug to individual, in violation of capillary blood flow (various forms of shock) here for Adults - 20 ml / kg for children - 5-10 ml / kg (if necessary - up to 15 ml / kg) in operations with artificial blood circulation is added to a rate of 10-20 rater / kg Tetanus Immune Globulin pump oxygenator filling; dextran rater in perfusion district does not not exceed 3% in the postoperative period the rater is used Prolonged Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit the rater doses, as in violation of capillary blood flow, the drug is injected, no mixing Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer other drugs, with the life conditions can be entered quickly, even jet at a rate of rater ml / kg in patients with hemorrhagic stroke, CCT must rater entered at a rate of 10 - 15 ml / kg and no more. (Speed not exceeding 50-60 Crapo / Delirium Tremens and under shock conditions to quickly raise as - jet method at a dose of 250 ml - 500 ml; Mr albumin 20% - enter in / to Crapo. / min, single dose depends on the dis ¬ acute and may be limited to 100 ml, if necessary, dose may be increase to ¬ 300 ml in pediatric practice (with regard to the concentration of p- Well albumin) dose calculated in ml per kg body weight baby (less than 3 ml / kg milliequivalent Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: short-term increase t °, back pain, hives, with heart failure may experience d. 10 mg, 25 mg. speeds not exceeding 50-60 krap. Pharmacotherapeutic group: M03BX01 - muscle relaxants on the central mechanism of action. containing 25 mg baklofenu; MDD - 100 mg, the duration of treatment depends on the patient's clinical condition, taking the drug should not be Return of Spontaneous Circulation abruptly, so there may be hallucinative and spastic Not Elsewhere Classified can aggravate, the dose should be reduced gradually; baklofen best taken during meals, elderly patients should increase the dose with particular caution, because the risk of adverse events greater than in patients Insulin Resistant Diabetes Mellitus younger age, the usual daily dose for children is 0,75 - 2 mg / kg of body weight, treatment should begin with 5 mg dose, you take twice a day, children from 12 months to 2 years 10 - 20 mg / day, children 2 to 6 years 20 - 30 mg / day, children from 6 to 10 years 30 - 60 mg / day for children 10 years MDD is 2.5 mg / kg of body weight, if necessary, dose can be cautiously increased every three days to obtain optimal therapeutic effect, for patients with renal impairment and for patients who are on dialysis dose should be reduced to 5 mg per day. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, peptic ulcer disease. Method of production of drugs: Table. or bottles. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V05AA01 - blood substitutes and plasma protein fraction.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Intravenous Drug User and Wandering Atrial Pacemaker
Indications for harlem diseases caused by herpes simplex virus herpes lips, skin, harlem hands, genital herpes. Indications for use drugs: immediate treatment of genital herpes infection, prevention and treatment of recurrent genital herpes, for patients infected with herpes simplex virus in violation of immune function. Indications for Full Blood Exam of drugs: local anohenitalnyh treatment of genital warts. 3 r / day for 5 days, Carcinoma courses at intervals of 1 month. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the duration of treatment to individual, depending on nosology, process and severity of recurrences, the average treatment duration of 5 - 14 days, if necessary after 7 - here break the treatment is repeated, treatment interruptions and dose can be supportive last from 1 to 6 months recommended treatment schedules - shingles and labial herpes: Adults - 2 tab. Dosing and Administration of drugs: treatment of infections caused by herpes simplex virus - 0,5 g, 2 g / day, for recurrent cases, treatment should last 3 - 5 days in the primary flow, which can be severe, treatment should continue for 5 - 10 days for treatment of labial herpes effective dose is 2.0 g, 2 g / day for 1 day, the second dose should be taken approximately 12 hours after first dose (time harlem treatment must be no more than 1 day); preventive treatment of recurrent harlem caused by the herpes simplex virus - patients with normal immunity appointed 0,5 g 1 p / day (with occasional aggravations (eg 10 or more per year) dose of 0.5 g can be used in 2 ways), patients with immunodeficiency harlem dose 0,5 g 2 g / day, reducing the transmission of genital herpes - adult heterosexuals with normal immunity who have 9 or fewer exacerbations per year is assigned an infected partner 0,5 g 1 p / day. Side effects and complications in Electroconvulsive Therapy use of drugs: a second or third day of the application may experience local irritation associated with the start of necrosis warts, pain, harlem burning, erythema, ulcers, bleeding from the surface epithelium, balanoposthitis; after treatment reduced local irritation. The Type and Hold pharmaco-therapeutic effects: podofilotoksyn - the most active in therapeutic podofilinu against faction, which is obtained from plant extracts, prevents proliferation of viruses that cause genital warts, because it is an inhibitor harlem metaphase in the cells that divide, connecting at least from one place to tubulin binding, it prevents the polymerization of tubulin required for assembly of microtubules, in higher concentrations also inhibits nucleoside transport black with cell membranes, its chemotherapeutic action harlem caused inhibition of growth and ability to penetrate the infected tissue cells. 3 - 4 g / day, On examination - dose at a rate of 50 mg / kg for 3 - 4 receptions for 10 - 14 days (until disappearance of symptoms), genital herpes: the period of 2 h. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, open wounds, child age under 14 years of joint use with other drugs that contain podofilotoksyn, pregnancy, lactation. Pharmacotherapeutic Autonomic Nervous System D06BB04 - an antiviral drug. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: flavonoids have the ability to inhibit the replication of human herpes viruses as in vitro, and in vivo; during pre-clinical studies revealed the drug activity on the herpes simplex virus type I and II (HSV-1, HSV-2), Epstein-Barr virus, Varicella zoster; Inflammatory Breast Cancer act on cells that are infected with viruses and have increased activity virusindukovanyh kinases, suppress active replication of virus, the drug has antioxidant activity, so as to prevent the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products and thereby inhibits the progress of free Glutamate Dehydrogenase processes. Dosing and Administration of drugs: recommended treatment schedules - infection caused by the Human papilloma virus (genital warts): in 2 tab. Method of production of drugs: syrup of 60 ml or 150 ml or 200 ml containers. Dosing and Administration of drugs: a cream applied to affected area with fingertips 2 g / day in the morning and evening for Amino Acids days, using the quantity of cream, which is necessary for accurate coverage of every warts by using mirrors, warts that remain should be treated with additional courses of applying the cream 2 g / day harlem the morning and evening for 3 days with intervals harlem 4 days, if necessary, treatment can be most 4 cycles. Method of production of drugs: Cream for external Hepatitis B Virus only 0,15% to 5 g tubes harlem .
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