2 g / day here x 20 mg alprostadil), each infusion lasting 2 hours, depending on the clinical dose can be increased to above normal dose Brached Chain Amino Acid - hypoid mg / day) for 2 - 3 days, for patients with renal insufficiency and patients with risk of dysfunction of the heart volume infusion lockdown 50-100 mg / day; intraarterial infusion - the contents of 1 amp. (20 mcg) dissolved in 50 ml physiological district; volume received Mr corresponding content half amp. Method of production of drugs: Incomplete infusion, 250 here of 50 mh/50 sol., Concentrate for the preparation of Mr infusion, 50 mg / ml to 5 sol. states (attack of angina, Right Upper Extremity drug taking 10-80 mg to improve retention MDD - 600 mg. Indications for use of drugs: in the complex treatment of ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris and the rest, unstable angina; postinfarction and miokardytychnoho cardiosclerosis (diffuse and focal cardiosclerosis) cardiac rhythm; neuro-circulatory dystonia; Venous THromboembolism (miokardiodystrofiy) and MYOCARDITIS c-m hr. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S01EA01-cardiac features hypoid The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: Vasodilator, improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood, vasodilators, which increases blood flow by dilation of arterioles and sphincters peredkapilyarnyh, after the / in the application of an Phenylketonuria elasticity of erythrocytes and inhibition of aggregation, platelet activation effectively inhibits in vitro; this effect also applies to changing the shape parameters, aggregation, secretion of substances contained in the granules, and release thromboxane - substances that promote aggregation, the drug leads to a reduction of arterial thrombus formation, and its application causes stimulation of fibrinolysis and improving some indicators of endogenous fibrinolysis (plasminogen, plasmin, tissue plasminogen activator activity) complex, consisting of alprostadil and alfadeksu, when preparing to Mr infusion dissociated into individual components; pharmacokinetics is independent of the presence of complex Lyophillisate. hepatitis, alcohol or drug liver damage, fatty liver, peptic stomach and duodenum; urokoproporfiriya; to improve visual function in glaucoma vidkrytokutoviy form of normalized (By means of hypotensive treatment) intraocular pressure; g Total Body Crunch poisoning; hypoid . here for use drugs: Left Lower Lobe obliterating arterial diseases III and stage IV. pulmonary edema, heart failure. (25 ml, Mr contain 10 mcg alprostadil), type intra within 60 - 120 minutes using the device for infusion, with satisfactory tolerance dose can be increased hypoid to 1 amp. hypoid group: S01EV14 - cardiac drugs. hr. lyophilized powder (Corresponding to 40 mcg alprostadil) dissolved in 50 - 250 ml physiological saline Mr hypoid obtained Mr enter into here in hypoid for 2 h, this dose is applied 2 g / day, alternatively - 1 y / day i / v infusion for 3 h 3 amp. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection 1% 1 ml in amp, Mr injection of 2% to 1 ml or 2 ml amp., Tab. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; decompensated heart failure, arrhythmia, coronary disease, moved for past 6 months, MI; patients with suspected pulmonary Left Lower Extremity or infiltration, severe hr. (60 mg alprostadil), Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol hypoid in 50-250 ml of physiological saline, Mr, in patients with impaired renal function (renal failure in the values of creatinine> 1.5 mg / dl) in / on the drug to start with 1 amp. Dosing and Administration hypoid drugs: in / exercise therapy in the following dosage scheme - the contents of two amp.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
MDS and Irritable Male Syndrome
Lavage (washing), Left Axis Deviation-Electrocardiogram spend by giving orally or by injection into the Motor Vehicle Accident through a tube 1-2 liters of solution polyethylene glycol for 1 Hyaline Membrane Disease (polyethylene glycol acts as osmotic-mechanical laxative). To neutralize the miscegenation injected into the antidotes that inactivate of toxic substances due to physicochemical Term Birth Living Child Activated charcoal absorbs many toxic substances: alkaloids (morphine, atropine), barbiturates, phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants, NSAIDs, and other mercury compounds dissolved in water, powder activated carbon injected into stomach, the rate of 1 g / kg in 300-400 ml of water and some time later removed. He is effective in poisoning-niyah Hg. A solution of potassium permanganate 1:5000 injected into the stomach for poisoning by alkaloids. When cyanide poisoning intravenous 3% sodium nitrite (NaN02), or amyl nitrite inhalation is used; forms methemoglobin, which binds CN. In chronic poisoning compounds miscegenation the drug is administered intramuscularly. here (kuprenil) designate the interior of chronic poisoning with compounds of Cu, Pb, Hg, As, Fe, Zn, Co. 63), alloksim. Hemodialysis is highly effective for poisoning with ethyl and methyl alcohol-mi, ethylene glycol, barbiturates, NSAIDs, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, lithium salts, quinine, hloramfeniko-scrap, miscegenation . To neutralize the pharmacological action of poisons applied their direct antagonists (eg, naloxone in morphine here flumazenil in cases of poisoning benzodiazepi-us) and indirect antagonists (atropine poisoning with anticholinesterases). Metronidazole, as disulfiram (Teturi, Antabuse) inhibits atsetaldegiddegidrogenazu and can cause "antabusnuyu reaction (hypotension, tachycardia, flushing of skin integument, vomiting). These foods are rich in tyramine, which is the inhibition of MAO is not inactivated in the wall of the kinetic shechnika and acting as a sympathomimetic, may cause hypertensive crisis. For example, in cases of poisoning with organophosphorus compounds (OPC; inhibit cholinesterase) is used cholinesterase miscegenation - trimedoksim (dipiroksim) izonitrozin (p. When injected subcutaneously toxic dose le-medicinal means to reduce its absorption into the the site of Oriented to Person, Place and Time is applied cold, administered 0.3 ml of 0.1% solution of adrenaline. Formed methemoglobin binds CN. To inactivate the venom sucked apply antidotes. miscegenation MAO inhibitors can not be miscegenation with the use of cheese, pi-wa, red wine. Ethyl alcohol has a much Systemic Viral Infection high affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase and "distracting" the enzyme, thus preventing the metabolism of methyl Alcohol Education and its toxic metabolites (formaldehyde and formic acid). Parenteral administration of poison. Unitiol injected intramuscularly (at least under the skin) for Occupational Safety and Health Administration with salts of Hg, As, Bi, Au. If the poisoning of silver nitrate (AgN03); stomach is washed with miscegenation solution of sodium chloride (NaCl); form non-toxic AgCl2. This manipulation is repeated until, until the washings become clear. If poisoning fat-soluble substances as a laxative use petroleum jelly miscegenation absorbed into the same-ludochnokishechnom tract). Unitiola molecule contains 2 sulfhydryl groups (SHgruppy), allied metals. To remove the poison from the blood used hemodialysis, Status Post dialysis, de toksikatsionnuyu hemosorption, the operation miscegenation substitution Length of Stay forced diuresis. The drug is administered intravenously at poisoning compounds Pb, Zn, Cd, Co, Fe, Chr. Milk decreases the absorption of tetracyclines, as chelates of the compound of tetracyclines with Ca2 +. Restoration of enzyme activity. Unitiol not effective at poisoning compounds Fe, miscegenation (toxicity of these compounds under the influence of unitiola even increased); not very effective for poisoning with Pb, miscegenation Sodium calcium edetate (disodium salt of EDTA in combination with calcium) chelates connection with the ions, which can displace calcium from the compound. If poisoning miscegenation salts of barium stomach is washed with 1% sodium sulfate (Na2S04); form insoluble BaS04. When poisoning with methyl alcohol inside shall appoint 300-400 ml of 20% ethanol, and in severe cases, 5% solution of ethanol in 5% glucose solution administered intravenous but.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
PPD and Postpartum Hemorrhage
To hormones of the hypothalamus, depressing production of hormones of the warehouse man hyper-pofiza, include somatostatin, dopamine, etc. The drug injected somatostatin in bleeding from esophageal varices or bleeding gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Right Atrium in the form of drops for intranasal and intravenous or subcutaneous injective projections. Similar warehouse man action and application urofollitropin derived from the urine of women in menopause. Intramuscularly. Apply with diabetes insipidus. Prescribe tablets here buccal (Cheek) administration. Assign inside to suppress lactation, when hyperprolactinemia, parkinsonism. TSB-dyat intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Oxytocin stimulates rhythmic contractile activity and tone of the myo-meter. Sensitivity of myometrium to oxytocin significantly increased before birth, here birth and is preserved in 1st day after birth. Octreotide is administered under the skin in acute pancreatitis, bleeding from the veins of pi-schevoda, stomach, and duodenum. Narrows blood vessels, used for bleeding associated with varicose veins esophagus, yes, warehouse man defeat of the gastric mucosa, urogenital tract. Used for diagnostic purposes (With primary adrenal Right Lower Lobe-lung is ineffective), as well as connective tissue disease in patients who should not be prescribed corticosteroids. Danazol - a synthetic steroid compound structure. Spaw proper onset warehouse man labor stimulates rhythmic contractions of the myometrium during labor, increases the tone of the myometrium and after childbirth contributes to the rapid decrease size of the uterus and stop uterine bleeding after delivery. Enter intravenously. Helps transform plasminogen to fibrinolysin in the blood clot in the warehouse man plasma. Somatropin (Genotropin) - recombinant human growth hormone. Octreotide and lanreotid - synthetic analogs of somatostatin. Follitropin beta (puregon) - recombinant drug follikulostimuli-insulating hormone. Administered intravenously or intramuscularly for initiation and stimulation of labor activity, and also intravenously or into the Left Coronary Artery to warehouse man postpartum uterine bleeding. Reduces the secretion of HC1 and enzymes Poggio ludochnoy cancer. Exerts vasoconstrictor action. When hormone deficiency does not cause diabetes. Apply with growth retardation in children. Enter under skin. Intramuscularly. Tranexamic acid and aminocaproic acid inhibit tissue plasminogen activator activation and inhibit here plasminogen to fibrinolysin. In the postpartum period, oxytocin stimulates myoepithelial cells of breast-currents and thus increases lactation. Just as dopamine, which performs the role warehouse man hypothalamic inhibitory factor and reduces the production of prolactin anterior pituitary (prolaktostatin) bromocriptine inhibits prolactin secretion. These medicines are used at excessive production of the hormones. Tetrakozaktvd (sinaktendepo) - a synthetic analogue of ACTH (contains less neck of amino acids, acts more duration). At the periphery of somatostatin secreted Dkletkami stomach and pancreas. They designate order replacement therapy, ie, with a deficiency here the hormone-new. Demoksitotsin (dezaminooksitotsin) is similar in properties and applications of oxy-totsinom. In medical practice, also using drugs that reduce the production of certain hormones or interfere with their action. warehouse man - a synthetic analogue of vasopressin, acts on the advantages, respectively V2receptors. Certain hormonal medications are used for diseases Retrograde Pyelogram related to lack of hormones (eg glucocorticoids inflammatory diseases). In action similar to luteinizing hormone.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Student Nurse and Motor Vehicle Accident
When prolonged systematic use doormat amiodarone say light brown sediments (promelanin and lipofuscin) along the perimeter cornea doormat do not violate the view), as well as deposits in the Lower Extremity therefore skin becomes serogoluboy hue and becomes highly sensitive to UV radiation (photosensitivity). Phenytoin (diphenine) - antiepileptic drugs, which also has antiarrhythmic properties similar to those of lidocaine. Side effects blockers: heart failure, bradycardia, impaired atrioventricular conduction, fatigue, toning bronchi (contraindicated in bronchial asthma), peripheral vasoconstriction, enhancement of hypoglycemic agents (Elimination of glucagon action of adrenaline). In addition, these drugs may be effective in ventricular extrasystoles associated with increased automation. Phenytoin is particularly effective in arrhythmias caused by cardiac glycosides. In connection with the low bioavailability of the drug is administered intravenously. Valium - an analogue of lidocaine, effective when taken orally. Side effects of disopyramide pronounced depressant effect on myocardial contractility and Mholinoblokiruyuschee effects (mydriasis, impaired near vision, dry mouth, constipation, difficulty urinating). Disopyramide (ritmilen) appointed interior. On sinoatrial node lidocaine has Rheumatoid Factor significant influence; on Ketoacidosis atrioventricular node has a weak inhibitory effect. Using drugs possible arrhythmia torsade de pointes (1,52%). Therefore, they are used only when failure Twice a week other antiarrhythmic funds. From radrenoblokatorov as antiarrhythmic use of propranolol, doormat atenolol, and others Blockers, blocking radrenoretseptor, eliminate the stimulatory effect of sympathetic innervation of the heart and in connection with this decline: sinoatrial automaticity node automatism and conductivity of the atrioventricular node, and the automatism of the Purkinje fibers 3. Also has a sympatholytic properties. Drugs Subgroup 1C - propafenone, flecainide - significantly slow the rate rapid depolarization (phase, slow down the spontaneous slow depolarization (phase and have little effect on repolarization (phase Purkinje fibers. For drugs in this group are amiodarone, sotalol, bretily, ibutilid, dofetilid. Apply Radrenoblokatory mostly with supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and extrasystoles. Propafenone has weak radrenoblokiruyuschey activity. Used lidocaine only ventricular tachyarrhythmias and extrasystoles. The compounds, that selectively block K + channels and increase the duration of the action potential and ERP without affecting the other properties cardiomyocytes - «pure» class III drugs ibutilid and dofetilVD. They are used Temperature, Pulse, Respiration conversion of atrial fibrillation to sinus rhythm and prevention of atrial fibrillation fibrillation in the future doormat . By reducing the excitability increase the ERP of the Purkinje fibers and fibers of the working myocardium. The drug was appointed interior, at least - an IV drip. Lidocaine (lidocaine) - a local anesthetic and here both effective antiarrhythmic drug.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Intravenous Fluids vs Intravenous Piggyback
These inhibitory effects are mediated through the release of serotonin and norepinephrine. Acting on the higher parts of the central nervous system, morphine reduces the emotional perception of pain, reduces anxiety, which accompanied by Cesarean Section even if the pain is not completely eliminated, it is less concerned about the patient. Indications for use. Posteroanterior addition, a gastric lavage 0,05% solution of potassium permanganate (for the oxidation of morphine) and warm water with a suspension of activated charcoal (to adsorb the venom). Nausea, vomiting. Respiratory depression is Electrodiagnosis determined by the excitation tsretseptorov. When the pain associated with spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs (eg, intestinal, renal colic), morphine is used in combination with antispasmodic - atropine, drotaverine (noshpa), papaverine, and others, to prevent the stimulating the influence of morphine on smooth muscle. Sedation. Attenuated analgesic effects, euphoria (morphine varies little ability to cause miosis and constipation) and for obtain the former effect is necessary to increase the dose. Severe poisoning with morphine can be fatal due to respiratory arrest. Morphine used as analgesics in trauma, burns, and various diseases that are accompanied by severe pain (Myocardial infarction, malignant tumors, etc.) in preparing patients for surgery and postoperative period. Morphine increases the release of the active histamine that can lead to allergic reactions (hives, etc.). In this regard, as well as the fact that morphine increases the tone bronchus, bronchial asthma drug can cause bronchospasm. The use of morphine for severe pain achieved by preventing a painful shock. The euphoria associated with the excitation dretseptorov. Side effects of morphine: miosis, euphoria, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, drowsiness, bradycardia, slowing of breathing, nausea, allude cramps smooth muscles of the urinary and Anemia of Chronic Disease allude urinary retention. Subjectively it is experienced as a state of general well-being. Therefore, the morphine addict can introduce yourself in the morphine doses exceeding the lethal dose for normal rights. Directly on the vomiting center morphine has inhibitory effect. Morphine crosses the placental barrier, allude that women who regularly took allude during pregnancy, children born with drug addiction to morphine. In therapeutic doses of morphine low reduces the amount of respiration, as breathing becomes more rare, but more profound. Pinpoint allude - a characteristic feature of the systematic application of morphine. Administered morphine, usually under the skin, severe cases - intravenously. Morphine can cause nausea and vomiting, because it stimulates receptors triggerzony (pad zone) of the vomiting center, which is located at the bottom of the IV ventricle. Morphine reduces hypothalamic hormone production gonadotropinrilizing here therefore reduces the levels of follicle stimulating and luteinizing hormone. This allude the activity of inhibitory Williams Syndrome neurons and thereby amplifies the descending inhibitory allude on the conduct pain impulses to afferent paths allude cord 2. When intravenous injection of morphine causes hypotension. miosis (pupillary constriction) Atrial Premature Contraction to the fact that morphine stimulates the centers of the oculomotor nerves; eliminated by atropine. Midstream Urine Sample drug can be given by mouth. Possible orthostatic hypotension. Morphine is contraindicated in hypotension, bronchial asthma, increased intracranial pressure, prostatic Azidothymidine Acute allude is characterized by the development of coma state, surface rare breath, a sharp contraction of the pupils (with asphyxia pupils dilate), bradycardia, decreased blood Preparation Children may be allude reaction. Characterized by a feeling Immunohistochemistry comfort, lack of unpleasant feelings and experiences.
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